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“Linda,” also known as the “Three Bars of Death,” is a classic CrossFit WOD that involves heavy lifting with a descending rep scheme. Here’s the structure: “Linda” 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time: • Deadlifts (1.5 times body weight for males, body weight for females) • Bench Press (body weight for males, 0.75 times body weight for females) • Power Cleans (0.75 times body weight for males, 0.5 times body weight for females) Tips: 1. Weight Management: Choose weights that challenge you but allow for proper form. “Linda” involves substantial lifting, so scaling appropriately is essential. 2. Steady Pace: “Linda” is a grind. Aim for a steady pace, especially as the reps decrease, to manage fatigue. 3. Form Focus: Maintain proper form on each lift. Fatigue can set in, so pay attention to your mechanics to prevent injury. 4. Rest Strategically: While “Linda” doesn’t include built-in rest periods, you can strategize short breaks between movements to maintain overall intensity. Benchmarks: Completing the workout within 20-30 minutes is a common goal. Elite athletes may aim for sub-15 minute times.
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